How to Get a Swimming Pool Structure Drawing

How to Get a Swimming Pool Structure Drawing

The weather’s heating up, and you have grand ambitions to add an in-ground swimming pool to your property this summer. Of course, you already know this is going to require more work than just digging a pit and filling it with water, but you might not know exactly how to get started with this particular renovation project.

As with any major home building project, you’re going to need a building or construction permit from your city before you can add a swimming pool. And to get a building permit, you’ll have to present a site plan of your property.

Your swimming pool site plan will need to include:

  • A to-scale representation of the swimming pool you plan to add, so make sure you’ve decided on the dimensions and the shape ahead of time.
  • Any existing buildings on your property, e.g. your house, shed, garage, or any other man-made structures
  • Location and height of any fences on your property. Some cities actually have a minimum fence height requirement if you’re building a pool, so make sure that you’re up to code.
  • Property boundaries and any easements

Ordering Your Swimming Pool Structure Drawing

Instead of trying to draw up a swimming pool structure plan yourself, the easiest thing you can do is order a copy of your property’s site plan and add the swimming pool to scale. Or, if you already have a swimming pool and are just planning to make changes, you can order a site plan and mark the intended changes on the swimming pool.

You may be able to get a copy of your home’s site plan from your county government or find a copy in your closing documents, but if you can’t find one there or the site plan is no longer up to date, the easiest and quickest thing you can do is order one from MySitePlan. We’ll use satellite imagery to create your site plan and get it to you within two working days, so you can get your project underway and enjoy spending time in your very own swimming pool. 

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