Site Plans for HOA Permits

hoa permits

Living in a residential community has many untold benefits. For instance, communal living allows you to harness the power of numbers which may provide an exceptional, collective bargaining strength when dealing with contractors. And you may have access to a number of amenities you could not afford on your own, such as a pool, playscape, or walking trails.

Nevertheless, the downside of residential communities is that Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) tightly regulate home remodeling and repairs.

When living in a residential community, one is expected to sign and live by various Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), so you may occasionally have to acquire an HOA permit before executing a major home improvement project.

Why Do You Need A HOA Permit?

HOAs are communal. As such, they are very concerned with the maintenance of the neighborhood. Your residential unit is secondary to the community’s welfare.

HOAs also have to protect common property, such as fencing or landscaping, hence their strict regulations. On top of that, HOAs often try to keep peace by limiting the incidence of noise that comes from construction and home improvement activities.

As such HOA permits are often required for home improvement activities involving:

  • Ceilings
  • Floors
  • Walls, both interior and exterior
  • Columns
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Adding new structures
  • Major exterior changes

hoa permit site plans

What Is A HOA Permit Site Plan?

An site plan for an HOA permit is a scale drawing that illustrates the size and arrangement of your unit or home, sometimes in relationship to nearby structures. It may also demonstrate the precise location and size of features such as walls, utility easements, electrical lines, fire hydrants, and plumbing systems.

Often a site plan for an HOA permit must shows the current status of your property as well as the changes that you intend to make. In most cases, it serves to graphically reassure the other homeowners that your home improvement endeavors will not affect the HOA’s residential standards.

MySitePlan Saves You Time and Money When Creating HOA Permit Site Plans

CC&Rs are legally bidding, and HOAs are at liberty to stop you from remodeling your property. However, a professionally-designed site plan from MySitePlan is an excellent bargaining chip that you can bring to the table when applying for HOA permit to remodel or expand.

Our site plan designers have worked with numerous Homeowner Associations throughout the United States. They employ their rich experience and the best practices in designing compelling site plans for HOA permits.

If your HOA does not require a stamped site plan, then place your request now. We will have your site plan ready within 24 hours.